What could happen in guys hostel at 2am!?
On my way to toilet, I just saw a guy, disguised in facial mask, rushing towards toilet. I was like -O-M-G- , here's a new generation guy who did facial by himself! Well... I must admit I am so OUTdated by NOT doing facial...
Then, without disturbing his face-off process, I went on with my own night-shower. When done, I just walked back to room as normal. Suddenly, I heard a human voice imitating gun firing "Zh Zhe, Zh Zhe, Boooom!". Reflectively, I turned back to check out. Here's another huge guy, holding an invisble gun and reload it - "Zh Zhe, Zh Zhe..." Luckily, he was engrossed with his "short gun" and not aiming at me. Hai... I must admit I am so OLD now by NOT having the fun of playing invisible gun.
OLD and OUTdated fella at 2am - me.
P/S: The type of gun (short-gun) is deduced from the sound and his action.