Sunday, April 22, 2007

Missing Memories of Kota Kinabalu

When Junnie talked to me about her sis successful climb over the HIGHEST mountain in South East Asia, I listen with "Awww... what a great experience..." especially when she showed me this picture -

This is the LabanRata Lodge where travellers stop over the - evening - , then continue their expedition to the PEAK at 2am in the morning. Can you see the PEAK? Apparently, the higher two rocks. We were there in last July, the PEAK was also there, but the WEATHER was not like the one in pic. Argghhh... ! So, instead of leaving for the PEAK, we went back to our bed and went down the route next morning. *Cry*

Looking at the pic, I can only imagine... great PEAK... great pic... great lodge, at least, I farted there.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

A Moment of Joy

at orchard,
someone is playing guitar beautifully.
an old man,
losing one arm,
yet having more courage to live on,
enliven the world.
admiration & appreciation arise,
some tokens given,
a great moment of joy gained.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Just plain down.

Sleep for the whole morning. Eat the entire noon. Swim out the evening. Watch friends playing DOTA over the night. the-DAY has been goooood to me.

Greeted by housemate on whether I got a job. Yea, I am single, available and desperate for a JOB. I should do some prep to improve my chances of getting a JOB. I am not good to the-DAY.

Jo_OB. Tough. tough.